Ensuring a Sustainable Future: The Challenges and Opportunities of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant

Ensuring a Sustainable Future: The Challenges and Opportunities of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant

Addressing the Future of the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant: A Message from Victoria Bruce

Dear Winter Springs Residents,

As your City Commissioner, I want to address an important issue that directly affects our community’s water resources and our commitment to sustainable living. The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant is a vital project that has the potential to significantly improve our water management, but it has faced several challenges over the years. I want to provide you with an overview of its history, the issues we’ve encountered, and the path forward.

Why the Lake Jesup Plant Matters

The Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant was envisioned as a solution to our growing water needs, particularly for irrigation. By treating and repurposing water from Lake Jesup, this plant aims to reduce our reliance on potable water for irrigation purposes. This is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Conservation of Potable Water: By using reclaimed water for irrigation, we can reserve more potable water for essential uses such as drinking and bathing.
  2. Environmental Sustainability: Utilizing reclaimed water helps protect our natural water sources and supports sustainable water management practices.
  3. Economic Benefits: Reducing the demand for potable water can help lower utility costs and prevent the need for expensive infrastructure expansions.

History of the Plant

The plant was commissioned in 2013 with the goal of augmenting our reclaimed water system, especially during peak demand periods. It was designed to treat water from Lake Jesup to meet public access standards. However, from the beginning, the plant faced significant operational challenges.

Challenges and Issues

  1. Water Quality and Filtration: The plant struggled to consistently meet the required water quality standards. Total suspended solids (TSS) levels in the treated water frequently exceeded permissible limits, reducing the plant’s effectiveness.
  2. Mechanical and Design Flaws: There were several design and mechanical issues, such as improperly sized flush water pumps and structural problems with the storage tank.
  3. Flooding and Damage: The plant’s infrastructure was affected by flooding during Hurricane Irma, causing significant damage to the intake pump station.
  4. Operational Gaps: Lack of comprehensive operational data and adequate instrumentation hindered proper analysis and optimization of the plant’s performance.

Path Forward

Despite these challenges, there is a clear path to making the Lake Jesup Plant operational again and maximizing its benefits for our community:

  1. Immediate Repairs: Repair the intake pump control panel and address known issues with the flush water system.
  2. Upgrades to Filtration System: Implement chemical cleaning regimes, relocate the sodium hypochlorite injection point, and install finer screens to improve water quality.
  3. Long-term Solutions: Conduct a pilot test for alternative filtration processes and evaluate the feasibility of upgrading or replacing the existing system.

Benefits of a Functional Plant

Reviving the Lake Jesup Plant will have numerous benefits for Winter Springs:

  1. Increased Use of Reclaimed Water: More residents will be able to use reclaimed water for irrigation, reducing the strain on our potable water supply.
  2. Conservation of Drinking Water: By diverting irrigation needs to reclaimed water, we ensure more potable water is available for essential uses.
  3. Compliance with Regulatory Limits: Reducing our potable water consumption helps us stay within our allotted Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) from the St. Johns River Water Management District.

Your support and understanding are crucial as we work to overcome these challenges and make the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant a success. Together, we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for Winter Springs.

Please see the below link for items that have come before the City Commission related to the Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant. This includes multiple feasibility analyses, engineering reports, etc. 

Lake Jesup Reclaimed Water Augmentation Plant

Below is a map and a document from a CPH study commissioned by Winter Springs, which cost thousands of dollars to produce. The study outlines how a six-inch pipe from Parkstone could transport artesian water to the nearby reclaimed water facility at Central Winds Park.

Thank you for your continued trust and commitment to our community.


Victoria Bruce

Winter Springs City Commissioner, District 2

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