Victoria Colangelo is running for District 2 Winter Springs Commissioner

Victoria Colangelo is running for District 2 Winter Springs Commissioner

Our community is going through an explosive period of transition right now! Our population is rapidly growing, our land values are changing, our school, transportation and protection needs are also changing.

The plodding “automatically elected” Winter Springs Commission needs to be reminded of these problems and goaded into action…to do something about them!

There are enough thoughtful, interested people in Winter Springs who care about the future of their city to elect a young, vigorous, and sensible spokeswoman to represent them.

The Government in Washington is far away. THIS is an election that affects all of us… right where we live!

If we don’t start solving problems TODAY, we will have to live with them for years and years to come.

I am running for City Commission in our City. Give me a chance to represent you!

I understand the relationship between government and business. I can put my training to work for our community.

I also have no strings! I’m independent enough and concerned enough to speak up on the issues that should concern us all.

There is a lopsided imbalance of power on our Winter Springs Commission. Our city taxes have gone up and up, and yet I see no improvement in city services. I want to do something about it… I’m not just going along for the ride!

I am qualified for the job and have the interest, the energy and the business training to do it well. I’m 39, a mom to three children, and I own a home in Winter Springs. I’m young and I plan to live here for a long time. I pay my share of city taxes and I care deeply about the way money is being spent-and about the future of our community. I have a degree from University of Central Florida, and I am the CEO & Founder with 18 year experience in environmental restoration: wetland mitigation banking.

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