Winter Springs Commissioner District 2 Q&A

Winter Springs Commissioner District 2 Q&A

Explain your participation in local government. For example, have you ever volunteered for a local municipal board? Do you regularly attend Winter Springs City Commission meetings? For incumbents, did you regularly attend City Commission meetings before you were elected? 

In 2019, I served on the Seminole County Parks & Preservation Advisory Committee and have been on the board of directors for several environmental groups! I listen to the audio or attend the commission meetings; however, I would like to propose a LIVE streaming video. Our current meetings are 4+ hours long!


Do you think a candidate can be involved in developing land, selling real estate, etc. and lead the community without being tainted?

 I am focused on environmental protection and preservation; I will not be involved with developing or selling any land in Winter Springs!


How do you plan to improve communication with your constituents so more residents can get involved in the local decision making process? 

If you have been watching my campaign, you can see I know how to communicate and get exposure! I would do the same for the City of Winter Springs! In addition, I would allow open “Commenting” on the City of Winter Springs Facebook Page; for full transparency.


What do you offer to the position you’re vying for that you believe others do not? 

 As an 18-year entrepreneur in the environmental restoration industry, I will bring my business and environmental background to the diose. In addition, I am a mom to 3 girls in 3 different Winter Springs Schools, I am invested in this community!


How do you plan to handle current and future traffic congestion? 

I would suggest that the City of Winter Springs invest in a Traffic Study during peak hours. This will help us understand rush hour and not have it averaged as a sum for the entire day. Currently our traffic has increased approx. 1% a year in Winter Springs for the past 10 years.


What are you going to do about the terrible driving habits of other people? How are you going to enforce safer driving?

Having a fully staffed police on the roads monitoring traffic will make sure that our city is safe!


How do you plan to deal with any issues caused by displaced wildlife due to increasing growth and development?

I would encourage that our City Invest in NEW Recycling Bins with Lids & Wheels; and offer straps to retrofit onto trash cans to deter wildlife eating unhealthy trash. I would also encourage the City to plant wildlife food gardens, in an effort to restore wildlife habitat that has been destroyed by nearby urban sprawl development.  


Have you studied the impact of overgrowth on government services and how expansion will affect property values in the future?

 I am educating myself daily on the impact of overgrowth on our natural resources, such as our Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) Drinking Water allowance. I am also studying the deterioration of our wastewater plants due to the recent boom in population!


How do you plan to protect local remaining green spaces? 

I want to utilize our natural landscapes to accentuate our beautiful city with Increasing Winter Springs Walking Score  with the Presence of Outdoor Dining and Major Landscape Features. I will work with applicants to protect as much green space by incentivizing applicants to keep our trees & wetlands!


How do you plan to fix and pay for future water problems?

The City is working on obtaining bonds for $100 Million to cover our future water treatment plants. However, we need to budget for routine maintenance and repair for our current wastewater plants which have 2 consent orders from FDEP showing violations of unauthorized spillage of sewer water due to the failing infrastructure.


As we see growing evidence of climate change, what are your specific plans for sustainability in our communities?

  1. Septic to Sewer Conversions

  2. Restoration & Preservation of Land around Lake Jesup

  3. Planting Native Trees & Remove the Exotic Species

  4. Restore Hydrology

  5. Increase Our Walking Score

  6. Provide Regulation to monitor Fertilizer containing nitrogen or phosphorous


What will you do to quell public safety concerns at a time like this?

  1. Convert to fiber optics to ensure we don’t lose cell service during a storm.

  2. Clear and drain all ponds and treatment plants prior to a storm to avoid flooding.

  3. Encourage 24/7 monitoring cameras at residents.

  4. Check all Fire Hydrants & Communities with Gates to make sure they are operational.


How do you plan to recruit more business and commercial to build a better tax base?

I want to recruit local businesses to ensure high paying jobs such as the GID Research/Technology aka Walmart Property. We should feature our natural landscapes, such as Lake Jesup and incorporate nature into our future plans.


Read the full Winter Springs Commissioner District 2 Candidate information here:

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