The city is currently seeking to obtain the services of a qualified vendor to excavate sediment and accumulated debris from nine (9) creek roadway crossing locations throughout the City of Winter Springs.
The roadway crossings are located along Sheoah Creek, Gee Creek, Howell Creek, and Bear Creek. This project is intended to restore functionality and aid in the unobstructed conveyance of stormwater.
Based on the site inspections, multiple sediment deposits were identified at roadway crossing / bridge locations throughout the CITY of Winter Springs. The sediment deposits are a result of erosion that occurred upstream of the bridge location and washed downstream. These sediment deposits are reducing the hydraulic capacity of the creeks, culverts, and bridges.
The project is intended to restore the functionality of creek areas, to aid in conveyance of stormwater runoff, and reduce the potential flooding of adjacent properties. The work will consist of removal of sediment deposits and accumulated debris within the creeks.