My Opponent, Kick the Cannon, has been very negative of my business with Wetland Mitigation Banking.
However, did you know, that in 2017, The City of Winter Springs received a SJRWMD permit which authorized 0.63 Acres of Direct Wetland Impacts for a NEW Parking Lot and Basketball Courts at TORCASO PARK!?
So add hypocrite to the list of things Kevin Cannon attributes. Not the advocacy we need in Winter Springs
The City purchased 0.147 UMAM Mitigation Credits which provided 2.5 Acres of Wetland Mitigation for Torcaso Park from Lake Jesup Mitigation Tract!!
Within the SJRWMD Technical Staff Report it actually states that Elimination or reduction of impacts was not required for the 0.63-acre direct impacts to W1 because the ecological value of the functions provided by the area of wetland to be adversely affected is low, and the proposed mitigation will provide greater long term ecological value than the area of wetland to be adversely affected, pursuant to Section ERP A.H. Volume I.
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