Reclaimed Water System: Low Pressure

Reclaimed Water System: Low Pressure

Recently, the RCW (reclaimed water system) has experienced service pressure issues and low pressure has been experienced by some City residents.  Florida’s weather pattern typically experiences increased temperatures in the March or April months and the consistent summer rains start between May and June.  This year, the consistent summer rains typically experienced between May and June, have not occurred.  The result is warmer, dryer conditions and increased RCW demand for landscape irrigation. 

The City’s RCW system has a finite amount of water available every day.  This is due to the water reclamation facilities treating the amount of wastewater that is received.  During these few days, if the RCW demand exceeds the amount of wastewater received, there is a water volume deficit.  To mitigate the effects, RCW water is pumped from where water is available to where it is needed during non-irrigation (daylight) hours.  During this process, some customers may experience lower than normal RCW pressures.  In some instances, it has required a longer time frame than the non-irrigation hours in order to transfer a sufficient volume of RCW water for the anticipated RCW demand.  However, RCW has typically been available during permitted (night time) irrigation hours.  The extra effort to mitigate the effects will likely continue until the more typical summer rains return and RCW irrigation demand subsides.

Until normal rains return, all customers can do their part to support the RCW system.  During this time of year, irrigation is permitted two days per week during nighttime hours as posted on the City’s website.  Customers can minimize the amount of time per irrigation zone, which reduces demand and saves money on their utility bill.  Rain sensors installed on irrigation systems detect when rain has occurred and will delay irrigation when it is not needed.  These efforts by everyone conserves precious water resources for customers and the environment.

We are continuing to work on a few improvements that may help with the pressure.

Time of the YearOdd-Numbered Addressor No AddressEven-Numbered AddressNonresidential Properties
Daylight Saving TimeWednesday/SaturdayThursday/SundayTuesday/Friday
Eastern Standard TimeSaturdaySundayTuesday
  • NO water is allowed between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on any day
  • Water only when neededWater for no more than one hour per zone
  • Restrictions apply to private wells and pumps, ground or surface water, and water from public and private utilities

These rules apply if you are using potable water or a private well for irrigation. If you have reclaimed water for irrigation, then you may water two days per week year-round.

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