The City of Winter Springs, Florida Creek Update

The City of Winter Springs, Florida Creek Update

The city is currently seeking to obtain the services of a qualified vendor to excavate sediment and accumulated debris from nine (9) creek roadway crossing locations throughout the City of Winter Springs. 

The roadway crossings are located along Sheoah Creek, Gee Creek, Howell Creek, and Bear Creek. This project is intended to restore functionality and aid in the unobstructed conveyance of stormwater. 

Based on the site inspections, multiple sediment deposits were identified at roadway crossing / bridge locations throughout the CITY of Winter Springs. The sediment deposits are a result of erosion that occurred upstream of the bridge location and washed downstream. These sediment deposits are reducing the hydraulic capacity of the creeks, culverts, and bridges.

The project is intended to restore the functionality of creek areas, to aid in conveyance of stormwater runoff, and reduce the potential flooding of adjacent properties. The work will consist of removal of sediment deposits and accumulated debris within the creeks.

Revitalizing Winter Springs: The East and West WWTF Upgrade Project

Revitalizing Winter Springs: The East and West WWTF Upgrade Project

Commissioner Victoria Colangelo shares exciting news about Winter Springs’ commitment to modernizing our city’s infrastructure. The City Commission’s approval on December 11, 2023, for the design and construction services of the East & West Wastewater Treatment Facilities marks a significant step forward. This project, more than just a design scope, includes detailed development, permitting assistance, and community outreach. It’s a proactive approach to ensuring reliable and efficient wastewater treatment, aligning with our city’s growth and regulatory compliance needs. This initiative underscores our dedication to building a resilient and sustainable future for Winter Springs.

Water and Wastewater Rate Study

Water and Wastewater Rate Study

The City requested a comprehensive review of the sufficiency of water, sewer, and reclaimed water user rates to provide revenue for operations and capital improvements. As the City is engaging in a significant sewer capital upgrade and reinvestment program over the next few years which will require a focus on obtaining funding for the projects and setting the rates to support the capital program and potential new debt service payments. Raftelis Financial Consultants conducted the study with close support and cooperation by the City’s staff and engineering consultants. This presentation will discuss the development of the study, results and recommendations to the City and Commission.

A Quest for Clarity: Winter Springs’ City Manager Search

A Quest for Clarity: Winter Springs’ City Manager Search

UPDATED 11/21/2023 @ 1:32PM

Doc Drops Out!

Doc drops out of the City Manager Hiring Process, despite being ranked #1 out of 5 candidates. He said he was insulted with the way 2 of the 5 commissioners approached the recruitment process. Therefore, he drops out with an email to the Mayor and Blind Carbon Copies 3 of the 5 commissioners.

Per Wikipedia; “In some cases, the use of blind carbon copy may be viewed as mildly unethical. The original addressee of the mail (To: address) is left under the impression that communication is proceeding between the known parties, and is knowingly kept unaware of others participating in the primary communication.”

Only a FOIA request would uncover this fishy behavior, showing that the email was sent via BCC.



Hello, Winter Springs residents. I’m Commissioner Victoria, and I want to share my perspective on the ongoing city manager search in our beloved community. It’s essential to shed light on my concerns and reservations about this process because, ultimately, our city deserves nothing but the best leadership.

LinkedIn Posting Puzzlement

Let’s start with the LinkedIn posting. I was puzzled by the fact that the city manager position was not listed on our official City of Winter Springs LinkedIn page but on a duplicate. It might seem like a small detail, but it raised questions about the professionalism and accuracy of the recruitment process. Why was such a crucial posting not on the correct platform?

The Top Five Candidates

As the search progressed, my concerns grew. Korn Ferry presented us with what they considered the top five candidates. However, I, along with many others, failed to see what set them apart. Three of these candidates had no prior experience as city managers, while the other two had only five years of experience in that role. This misalignment with our city’s expectations left me deeply concerned about the qualifications of these selected few.

Our Expectations

Winter Springs had specific criteria in mind for our new city manager. We needed a candidate with experience in city management, finance, and utilities—a well-rounded skill set crucial for effective leadership. Unfortunately, the selected candidates did not seem to meet these expectations.

Fears Confirmed

Throughout this city manager search process, I voiced my doubts and concerns. I even expressed reservations about Korn Ferry’s recruitment methods. I feared that the process might have been compromised from the start, especially considering that the decision to hire Korn Ferry was made without consulting the Seminole County recruiter.

As I saw only five applicants make it to the final stage, my apprehensions grew stronger. I began to worry that the former assistant manager, who had initiated the Korn Ferry partnership, might not have the city’s best interests at heart.

The Call for Transparency

In the midst of this controversy, I called for greater transparency. I requested the names and locations of all 200 applicants because I believed that the candidate pool was not up to par. My concerns weren’t just for myself but for the entire community that deserves nothing but the best leadership possible.

I want to assure you, Winter Springs residents, that my perspective comes from a place of dedication to our city. I am committed to upholding high standards for our leadership because our community deserves nothing less. As this controversy unfolds, I hope that we can collectively work towards a transparent and effective city manager selection process that will serve the best interests of Winter Springs and its residents.