First off, I am a Mom of three wonderful girls….I am also a local business owner, concerned resident and advocate for Winter Springs! I spent my entire career protecting natural lands. My father was a city commissioner, and I knew when the time was right I would serve my community. My time is now.
Why do you want to serve the City of Winter Springs and what do you want to accomplish as Commissioner?
I want to serve on the commission because the residents have asked me to get involved. They have asked me to run and represent them. I am running because it is a great honor to have residents, past commissioners and mayors from not only Winter Springs but from the county believe in me and want me to run against someone who has been in office for 8 years and wants another 4 years. I believe in term limits. It’s time for change. I hope to accomplish the following:
What will you do if elected to meet your goals and objectives for the City of Winter Springs?
Once I am elected I will be the biggest advocate for Winter Springs this city has ever seen. First thing I will do is improve government communications. Not just PR propaganda of how great we are, but communication that allows for resident input not only at meetings. Dive into the water systems upgrades and demand that we are compliant 100% with federal agencies. Listen to residents who have issues with their water. I have black stuff coming out of my faucets and that is after a $5k water system. Open up social media comments like the other cities in Seminole county. Push for video at commission meetings so residents can be more engaged. Get with the times. Bring back collaboration with our school board and interlocal partners. Why is Winter Springs looked down on when only 10 years ago we were the crown jewel? Represent all citizens with dignity and class and bring respect back to our local government.
Thank you for visiting my website to learn more about me. It is a great honor to be here and I am excited for the future of our great city. We are going to launch winter springs and show the world what we can be, not what we don’t want (Walmart). It’s about vision, not restraint. We are on the doorstep of one of the largest and fastest growing universities, we have 2 international airports on either side of us, and we have the space coast an hour away, we have a bright future if we play our cards right! Thank you for your support and vote in November.
There will be 7 candidates and each go one at a time. Each will be given two minutes for a persona introduction, and two minutes each on answering the following two questions.
Each candidate will have a 3-minute closing statement at the end of the evening in reverse order of their original appearance.